Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Janette's BIG Dealz list 3/7-3/13

Another week of deals is up!  What's catching my eye this week especially is the Roberts milk for $2.68 and with coupons that have been in the ads it will end up being $2.28 a gallon.  The Philadelphia and Kraft deals are very appealing this week as well as they end up being anywhere from free to $.24.  Remember if there isn't a coupon source listed it is because I cut my coupons from the newspaper and keep them in my binder.  I list the websites for the others.  

It is frozen food month so in the next weeks I am anticipating some great deals on frozen foods. 
Green Grapes $1/lb
Oreos $2
Classic Lays or Kettle Cooked Lays 2/$4 - $.75 coupon off 2 = $1.62 each
HyVee butter $1.88 
Country Fare 4qt pail ice cream $3.99

Doritos $1.99 - $.75 coupon off 2 = $1.62 each 
Skippy Peanut butter $1.88
Fareway Bread $.88
Asparagus $.99/lb
Farm Fresh chicken hind quarters 10 lb bag $.59/lb - $5.90
Kraft Fresh Take bread and cheese Breadcrumb mix $.99 - $1.00 coupon from (no longer avail.) also can get a coupon $1.50 off 2 from HERE or go HERE for $1 off = free - $.24 each
Philadelphia Indulgence $.99 - $1.50 off 2 from HERE = $.24 each
Philadelphia Cooking Cream $.99 - $1.50 off 2 HERE = $.24 each

Broccoli Crowns $1.25 lb
bananas $.44/lb
Gogurts $1.99 - $.75 off 2 = $1.62 pkg or $.20 a tube

No Frills
Yoplait Yogurt 10/$5 - $.40 off 6 = $.43 each
80% ground beef $1.99
No Frills Hamburger or Hotdog buns $.28 limit 1
Green Cabbage $.25/lb
Our Family Pasta 12-16 oz $.85

Strawberries $1.29

Super Saver 
Roberts milk $2.68 - $.40 coupon = $2.28
4lbs oranges $1.77
Cool Whip $.84

Bag n' Save 
Ramen Noodles 8/$1
Select Kellogg s Cereal $1.69 use coupons from Kellogg's
Birds eye steam fresh veg. $1 - $1 off 3 = $.67 each



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